Circuits 4 Life


What We Do

Circuits4Life aims to give you the tools, motivation, and creative ideas that will electrify your exercise training sessions.

By utilising minimal equipment and a ‘do anywhere’ format, our workouts will become the secret weapon that your friends wish they had. We’re your session planner and your fitness coach, so that you can achieve time-effective, cost-effective workouts with results.

We are here so you can dedicate your valuable time to getting fit, crushing calories, reach your goals and to help get you over the finish line. Thanks to our pre-designed circuit training sessions as well as our exercise cards, toolbox and more, we have all the components to fire up your fitness, all backed by 20 years’ worth of experience.


All-access to quality Circuit Based Workouts.
calender Adaptable to beginners through to advanced workout plans for ALL fitness levels.
Join our online fitness community - like our Facebook page and follow other fitness minded friends!
No equipment required to get started - choose workouts with or without tools of the trade.
All workouts have been tested on humans and proven to get results.

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It’s Time to ‘Fire it Up’!

Get Instant Access to the workout vault

12 months

$10 Per Month

Total cost: $120
(One Off) Save 67% when you sign up for 12 months!

Sign Up Now

3 months

$20 Per Month

Total cost: $60
Save a total of 33% when you pay for 3 months

Sign Up Now

1 month


One off payment of $29.99.
Save up to 67% when you purchase 3+ months

Sign Up Now

Access a free trial & view 2 workouts today! Click Here to Sign Up

Prices in AUD. Access to files is via the account used when purchasing. Access to files cannot be transfered between accounts.

The Trainers Toolbox - Instructors, Clubs and gyms

A “business in a box” heavy duty perspex carry case with handle and supportive carry strap, containing 160 A4 PVC pre-printed exercise cards, printed with UV-resistant ink across 8 different series of exercises, and 20 digital Done4You workouts to get you started. Take your Fitness business with you, wherever you go!.

Easy to follow instrutions and predesigned workout plans for your classes.

Mix it up, or share with your gym!


Training goes full circuit

Save your time and your sanity:

  • No more dodgy stick figure drawings

  • Easy to follow instructions for participants

  • Professional photos with full description of exercises

  • Secure them to the ground or in the sand using the purpose-made steel pegs

  • Instructors can be running various classes at the same time

  • Easy to implement and teach whatever the experience of instructor

  • No more trying to wing sessions!

  • Consistency and professionalism in class delivery, every time.

  • All cards able to be thrown around, get dirty and hosed off – virtually indestructible!

Educators and schools

PHDPE Teachers ‘ALERT’- We know it's tough to come up with exciting new ideas at every lesson to keep your students engaged and motivated.

And we also know you don’t have the time to stress over trying to figure out what to do in the next class.

But now with access to the amazing NEW Circuits4life resources students will re charge their attitude to participation and SUPERCHARGE your PDHPE sessions instantly.

Your students will not only LOVE the variety, options and the fun factor of their new sessions, but best of all... you get some valuable time and peace of mind knowing you can access the resources instantly, anywhere, anytime, there ‘Done4You’.

It’s that easy!

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Training goes full circuit

  • Dozens of ‘Done4You’ pre designed session plans adaptable for indoor or outdoor PDHPE classes

  • The ‘TKO’  customisable daily, weekly, monthly ‘Taking Kids Outdoors ‘Healthy Lifestyle Planner

  • Session Sizzler drills, cardio and agility drills specific for use with for your Sports Teams or used in your classes to raise the tempo and the heart

  • The ‘BIFF’ initiative, the NEW and innovative ‘Boxing Instruction For Fitness’ program.

  • Tips, Tools and Tactics to ‘Fire Up’ your circuit sessions

  • Programs and useful information updated on a monthly basis

  • BIG savings on The ‘Trainers Toolbox’, the ultimate circuit training pack, complete with 160 pvc exercise cards to compliment your pre planned sessions indoors or outdoors

  • Your specifically designed bag of 40 pegs for use with your ‘Trainers Toolbox’ at your outdoor classes

Training Mini-Cards


Take control
and take the challenge


It’s Time to Get Creative

How does it work

  • Purchase your mini card set (8 to choose from)

  • Each set includes upper and lower body and abdominal exercises

  • Choose 8 to 10 exercise cards

  • Place them in order specific to your workout

  • Need help with your exercise plan. See our Done 4 You exercise plans

  • Clip to your hip and go.

*Free Mini-Card Set is selected from existing range & included in package


  • Mix and match your cards for your 30min workout

  • Complete each exercise using either time or reps
    For example: 1 min per exercise or 10 reps x 5 rounds (10sec break in between each round)

  • Buy more than 1 set and mix them up to achieve unlimited workouts.