
Get instant access to our workout vault for a little as $10 per month.

Gain a wide new range of workouts spread across 6 session types, helping you work on the areas that need focused work, or introducing you to something new. Each workout type gets 2 completely new workouts each month, giving you 12 expertly made workouts fresh and ready to go.

Once the new workouts are out, you can see them for as long as you are subscribed + gain access to the months of workouts already out now!

Workout Types Include:

  • Cardio Club - Focus on all your cardio based goals indoor or outdoors, with cardio equipment or without.

  • Gym Fit - Make the most out of your time at the gym/club or pt studio.

  • Core Strong - Building up your core strength is the foundation of any fitness program and here is where it starts!

  • Fresh Fit - Get outside and get into it with these fun, fast, fitness session plans for your boot-camps and outdoor class.

  • Biff - Boxing Instruction For Fitness, we’ve kept the combos simple, easy to follow but extremely effective. Combine them with body weight exercises for a Knockout workout!

  • Session Sizzlers - Fire it up with these short, sharp sessions guaranteed to get the after burners going. Use them as finisher workouts or stand alone mini circuits.

12 months

$10 Per Month

Total cost: $120
(One Off) Save 67% when you sign up for 12 months!

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3 months

$20 Per Month

Total cost: $60
Save a total of 33% when you pay for 3 months

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1 month


One off payment of $29.99.
Save up to 67% when you purchase 3+ months
Save a total of 33% when you pay for 3 months

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Access a free trial & view 2 workouts today!

Prices in AUD. Access to files is via the account used when purchasing. Access to files cannot be transfered between accounts.