Before you start any new fitness or workout program always consult your Doctor or General Practitioner
to discuss your individual condition and needs. The C4L Team provides general fitness advice and workout plans which can be modified to suit, but we always advise seeking professional help for your specific individual needs if required.

What are the workout and session plans like?

We believe ‘variety is the spice of life’ and your daily session plans and workouts are designed with that in mind! We aim to keep your mind and more importantly your body guessing through variety and functionality in every session. You can adapt the sessions to suit your specific needs and fitness levels by simply modifying frequency, intensity, time and type. Sessions will take from as short as a 10 minute ‘Sizzler’ through to 20, 30 or 45 minutes max.

do i need a lot of equipment?

Our sessions are mainly based on body weight exercises combined with using minimal low cost equipment, such as dumbells, medicine balls, boxing gloves and mitts and one of our all time favourite tools of the trade… the take anywhere powerbag. We love to train in the great outdoors and utilize all the natural surrounds we have at hand such as hills, beaches, local parks. And If you don’t have access to treadmills and rowers you can always adapt cardio stations with shuttle/walk runs etc. There is never an excuse to get it done, and we will show you how to do that.

what are the different workout categories?

We have six categories for you to choose your sessions from whether you are going solo, in a group situation, with your training buddy or getting your school students active. The categories are -

BIFF-Boxing Instruction For Fitness: Fun, easy to follow boxing combo’s that make up complete 45 minute sessions in a class environment indoors or outdoors. Get your gloves on and de stress as you move through the combos that will have you going from contender to Champ!

Fresh Fit: